By far the best option is Strikingly — I’ve built my site there after trying just about everything else, from Squarespace to Wix, WP, and Tumblr. Let me tell you just one thing that speaks volumes: while I had my site up on Squarespace, my bounce rate was 85% which is horrendously bad and attests to issues, most like poor accessibility of the site. Over half of my users use mobile devices and if their browsers aren’t supported or don’t work well, they won’t be able or interested in exploring my website beyond page one if at all. Since I launched my website on Strikingly, my bounce rate is down to below 15%, yes BELOW 15%.
That’s why I also recommend using Google Analytics and monitoring what is going on with your site. There is no way you can know if there are issues without using it, so it’s a pretty cool tool. It won’t tell you exactly what is wrong, but it will definitely raise the flag when one needs to be raised.
If you are willing to try Strikingly — use this link, we will both get one month PRO plan for free. And check out my website, that was by far the easiest and fanciest website builder I came across so far. And here are my Google Analytics results for February, I’ve only launched and have just set up the main page and blog with but a few posts for now, so that’s pretty impressive for a start: