I find the assumption that the victim of trolling is somehow at fault due to not being capable of differentiating between constructive criticism and trolling highly disturbing if not outright offensive. I also find the assumption that book writers are expected to sacrifice themselves, heavily invest in self-publishing, and then after they were attacked by trolls on the top of an overall bad situation in publishing sacrifice themselves some more. Yes, if you are a masochist, that would be a great course of action to take. I’m not and I don’t intend on becoming one.
Most published or self-published writers don’t come even close to making a living from writing and publishing and they can be happy if they don’t end up with a loss. I just about broke even after self-publishing 6 books and generating 2,500 sales. With that, I haven’t earned a dime for my writing, I just barely managed to cover the cost of publishing and promotion.
Maybe think about that for a good while before telling me I shouldn’t strive for approval from others. This was about trolling and it had nothing to do with my supposed quest for approval! Is that really hard to get? Trolls do not ever approve of anything other than other trolls, trolls destroy for fun! Yes, I’m angry, angry that Goodreads doesn’t at the very least protect authors from trolling and that’s where I drew the line.
You can be sure I objectively assessed the feedback and if you doubt it, here are the details on that:
Also, read this: