I have nothing but respect for Mr. Cooper, nothing but the utmost respect.
Please look into the history of black slavery. It may come as a surprise that it was started by certain black people who used and sold their also black prisoners of war as slaves and refused to stop these practices well after slavery was abolished in the West.
So this article, featuring a black scholar, is something you really, really, really need to read and give a deep thought to. I’m sure on some level, Mr. Cooper, differently from you, did this and even if he didn’t, he understands that things are never as simple as we would like them to be and that one cannot eradicate one injustice by replacing it with another.
Ms. Cooper indeed paid a steep price for her actions, and rightfully so. Her life is in ruins. But what you are calling for is to lynch her even further, if possible indefinitely, as a punishment not for what she had done but for the whole society and every injustice you can think of. Now that’s taking it a bit too far.
And that’s why I have nothing but the very highest respect for Mr. Cooper, who proved to be Human with capital H. Which is not something I could say about Ms. Cooper, or you, for that matter.