I’m pretty sure there are also those who lament the fall of Nazism and think how that was ‘not done right’ either. SPARE ME THE ATTEMPTS of ever trying to do it again, ‘the right way’! There is no difference between the Nazis and Communists. Both think in totalitarian way, they are both unable to accept views different from their own, they are both a form of toxic religion, an insidious dogma with deadly consequences.
Look at the hippie communes, they were very similar to utopian socialism and they were done in the rich country, which is, what you claim, the only thing one needs for communism to ‘work.’ How many of them lasted? Just about NONE! I guess that wasn’t ‘done right’ either, and you are the only one who knows how to ‘do it right.’ A true messiah indeed, just what the world needs…NOT.