Just to make this clear, I cannot stomach WordPress and wouldn’t recommend it anyone who isn’t tech savvy. It’s way to big of a pain and I have not time or nerves to deal with that.
Next, I do not care whether I cannot access my website or which browser you use and have no problem with. This is not about solving my personal problem and it’s certainly not about the people who have no issue with their browsers. I care about every other person who might be interested in my work, but isn’t be able to use a particular browser.
When I say ‘particular browser’ I am not referring to something obscure and weird, I’m referring to a particular browser that happens to be an in-built part of THE most popular system in the world — Android. 1BIO (billion) people use this system, including myself, and this is the default browser that I, personally, also happen to use as a matter of routine.
As it turned out, this is so for millions of other people as well. Millions! Maybe you and Squarespace and some other platforms couldn’t care less for these millions of potential visitors, but I sure do and so should anyone else who is trying to start and run a business.