YOU did NOT live in Communism, your mom did. And there are plenty of people who like Communism because it’s a system designed for people of average or below average capacity who then thrive on the backs of those competent ones and abuse them. They suck their blood like vampires and that’s why the whole system collapsed. It was based on parasites and when parasites kill everything they can, the whole system finally implodes and leaves devastation in its wake. A truly intelligent person would not deny millions of deaths and clear evidence of horrendous devastation this system left behind. But you choose to ‘believe’ what you choose or not ‘believe’ what you choose not to believe, as you yourself put it. Which is one of the reasons why some people love Communism so much — it’s a form of religion, a replacement for religion and it’s the only ‘right’ form of religions for these ‘believers’ who then persecuted every other form of religious freedom. There is not freedom in Communism, just the dictatorship of the week and naive.